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The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee • Page 2

The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee • Page 2

The Tennesseani
Nashville, Tennessee
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

NEW PUBLICATIONS. Uina, there was so Bamsest a caaage ca For Philadelphia. KEW WUtt TO anMaUA tUXM, TltSaUt mocnA SUCTIONS. We We minipMr amort the sulu Jo 13 ciaaorr.M ir.a at Arci-tox, BT DAVIS A SWASS. ff TCTSDiT, tlx ntBna Cm Gentry is acquitting himself right nobly and gloriously in this end of the Sut.

Jwe have the very Ctlepttblitattanner AHD ASKFILLB WHIG. mt. w. h. a 1 DAILI, 18 TRI-WEEKt, rnnjBHKD ALLBN A.

BALL, EDITOR. ivn -uvToiuivn, Hon. MEREDITH P4 "SENTRY, or bidfokd. jarKesdsUie subjoined cheering ani-re-- liaUafacooanuVof (be JLscuaoioiiB between th ttiiidatOT for fJoVernor. atJackBon, nrvilk midlfeniphk.

Col. Gentry and his fiiftl glorious time of it in tliat'-aiWinoii of the State and "no mistake. Gov. JeHvsoHisTnanifostly Mnderthe editors ZW the sjseato'ng county says, G.Jehis. friends and confident of.

hjs sueoess By the largest raajon-tytiiat has bijeir given to any candidate Co'. Goramor fot twenty.jears," 0 The same edir. to relates the ikXSomng incident that occur' tet at J'While Gentry 8peking upon the great an bid democrat who had grown gray in tlio cause, supposing Gentry to be through rthe crowd to the land, and gare his hand to the speaker, exclaiming in a loud voice, my sentiments, Ifr. ydh'shtU 'hare my vote in CoL Gentry, nanurl tar mnmrnt tnnlr tlir nlrl trrntlrmnn tfT t1'" blind and gave it a cordial grip, and in hia usiiiri" bland style, thanked him kindly for bis promise, ana resumed his defence of TSe" Editor of the Memphis Whiff, who was' 'strongly' opposed to the candidacy of Golf GiAibt, pronounces his speech at that place "one of jibe happiest efforts lie ever lis tened, and' saysr he "made an impression upon the minds and hearts of his audience he retained ovoh after the day of from Vm West Tenne-ee Whig. SPEAKING AT, JACKSON SAM" IN THo'can'clidatcs for Governor addressed an umisu ally large crowiflff thja clty-on Wonday last.

Not-wHhstai(dmg ihe'oxagerated reports 61 the small pox being here, tho people came in from all portions nt ihn eountr. and a eboillv number from the id- is joining coundea, until the public sqiiara seemed 'to iiainiiii iimnnnf "Sam" was there cause ananeTrVswlHo understood that a his fut sapr ana a iitui. nj)uiii auu inauij lormr-onv. Dcst reports from (be diacuapeoa and Jackson. Everywhere thatwe have vet heard from.

CoL (too -gai (BMtp -iJimteU tabejaot onlyau- periarto i tor as a apieniUd panlar orator "tat eri Ur aac beteClbataaite equal to him in thrflMtcA waawma of debate, which mi to be hia fcrte. a Mlmjiti BagUamM, Buprtr. THE DISCPSSION AT MEMPHIS! Gektbt aan Jon.tsox. Go'txt Vicrouocs! Glort Kxocon fOB OKI DAT. At 11 o'clock yesterday morning, one of the larnat audiences we have ever seen In Memphis, on aach an occasion, assembled on Court Square to witness two of '-the most celebrated popular speakers Bute has ever nroduceoV mere were OroDaWT two tnonaana Pfnona present, among' whom we noticed a coefodcr- nble -sprinkle' 01 aia weu to erace the occasion with their iaw-aud-orderinpmug pres ence.

Their attendance upon sucn occasions snouia be uniformly promoted and encouraged, as there is nothing like it to make excited politicians and heated partbahsBEftivi TnivsiXTis! There were some boisterous people, both here and at Somerville, who. had it not been for the presence of the Ladies, would have certainly produced an uproar or emeute ot aome kind or other. Oov. Jonasos opened the discussion with almost identically the same speech he at Somerville, and quite tfib "ibesanie speech long since stereotyped v.w .1. v'i.

1 .1. uj mi j.tauvtii ojiu.uiu auimyiius Jippcut. He opened with the usual "ereat embarraasmi-nt" anil closed with the usual amount of poetry aimed at tne Laaies out certainly railing wide or the mark. The rest of the was partly sophistry, partly vapm declamation, and all deoiagosruery. True log ic, Or there was none.

And yet so cun ningly was the whole speech derised, so aptly were the acmagogical 'licks' put in; that, to many, doubtless, his discourse or sermon, aSI 'tinq-umqy as it. was, had the appearance of wonderfully effective effort And yet the responses from the audience showed that it had but little effect here. The peo ple in this end of the State are generally well posted upon all political subjects, and they were evidently well posted yesterday in regardto uov. joiisom pe culiar tactics. They had heard ol His wonderful pro- pensity for "firing his political battles: and they had come to believe that he was skilled mall the arts of the demaeotmc and loved nothine better than to appeal to all ol the worst prejudices and passions of the people and of political partizans.

Un tne whole, tiov. Johnson's speecn nere yesterday, and his rejoinder, did not appear to us to meet the high-wrought expectations of his friends. Re did not acquit himself so well, to our thinking, as at Somerville. His voice was not good, neither were hla spirits any better; for, in proportion to the sire of the two audiences, there were indications that a far greater army of "Sam's boys" were looking him. in tho faco here than there was even at Somerville.

Unmistakably, he was under a cloud and we believe every candid, intelligent and unprejudiced friend of the "usually adroit" and "cunning" will admit the truth of this remark, lie made several determined and to boar lip against the cloud of gloom which seemed to weigh upon him and his cause, but they were of no avail. And when Col. Gentry rose to reply when he entered Upon that magnificent oration when he had fully pronounced in clear, musical, sonorous, and exultant tones the whole, of that glorious argumentso filled un as it was with the Braces of ora tory, the gems of wit, and tho winged arrows of satire -so-aplenuig in ts rhetonc.and so. matcnicss caniiei'tffttoiDh of conirSatiitoMpIes wpletemmrt fcm btfevery and cluW present: Sopenv, I iI'IMMIi liave Beyer.witnessed 'tsterday and tortuouscunmng; nyiGreitiraScoverfilifil Theniantfer of titude the of the Iiadiesrr-the eel. of, the an snowed 11.

uoi, uentry 010 well canie ont gloriously at Sommerville; but at Memphis, -he has surpassed himself! Not a'm'an who henrd him yesterday hut must how. rorik him with tho first or ators of the Union, rivalling in power even some of ie, greatest oi inose departed giants ot tne lorum DM'amhnlmMl hw a ing worship. Should Ool. Gentrt continue to make Suchsneech- 03 as he has made the past two days, if he continues to achieve such triumnhs as he so callnntlv and honorably won here yesterday, throughout the bal ance 01 tne State, we behove ho will be chosen by a majority far beyond the most sanguine expect tion of most sanguine friends. In any event.

wo can Bay to Middle and Eastern Tennessee, thnt in this: end of the all goes well; better man that in tholaniruaeo of Uov. Johnson mis-ad- aressed to the maies'all goes like a marriage ocii. 1110 tnenos ot Uol. UKSTRVare: like him self exultant, jubilant beyond description. 'Io tri- wnphc' blazes from every eye; "we will triumph In August next," is shouted from every tongue! jtGu-cuttstences having 'prevented lis ft-om availing ourselves of the invitation of Mr.

Tracy, the President of tlio Company, to ymt the Scwnneo Coal Mines, on Saturday, we are special, obligations to a friend who went ijlciiig, for the subjoined account of the description of the road andthe mines': The establishment of a railroad connection between 'Nashville and these: coal mines, of which an abundant and permanent supply-tif that necessary article, at reasonable matter of the.highestivfijwitetice;.!) this' place. It is most fortunate for us, that the-conduct of the enterprise should have fallen into such efficient hands. Mr. Tracy 'is a- gentleman of fortune, energy, and business ciipa-cHyy whoifaibwB well what, can ie dona in affairaof that sort, and how it. ought to' be When i.As'.

became' the undertaldDg and assunied tho supcrvisioii of it, the, public hMv.asurancd.doubly, sure" there of good quality, it jsonld and oflld JjpjugliCbjert; at prices; wfthiii' a 'Tfetsdnable "We- Understand the thVeoaltb this Tjlacein few days. EXCTJRBlON TO THE Widir COAL MINES. In obedience to an invitation extended by Mr. Tbaoy, President of thc'SewancoCbal'Corapany, to the Mayor, COrSmon Council, and other citi-, wnsf to Tisit-Ao ga I piceedd bnTri- day eTening las about Jbalf past ten o'clock." Two commodious bats, in. to'those cbrmirisine the regular train, Wgrjajfet apart fdr'tho whose bright oontenanCse ahd frequent interchange of, tadicateia igemvfioir' sprits.afldgjive prorinselbajpte novwonsvieatasaoa, cnampagne, wnav tne Wbod baWo'a fitincEs to I at tore, that one car-window keep out the cooiair; or yiei prewnnf cold suffocalicaI4few asr)WlM remained cxpoeed to the manlaiabnwa, Just as day dawned we reached the Ttmad, awns the locomotive, Gen.

Moaquera, weighing torty-Btna viidnrtotakenatothaaiaev. Owfaic nowercr, wu o- 1 fin) tw ttmched to this steam nmuter ran ob-xm track while backing up to fasten to the Excursion trataTfhii tnWWaniciI-iii two enrmg: which, many of the party who bad come dreaaedfbr-hot weather, stepped round briskly to keep Iruieed, so great was i cbMge rf temperature that saw one lad chilled to an ague. About fix o'clock, we again got under-way, ana running off to tie right, about three hundreed yards 1 an acute angle, we reversed oar course, and croa sing the N. and C. BaOroad in fall view of the Tun nel, we scledthe mountain on an ascending graae of one hundred and thirty-two (132) feet to the mile.

We had proceeded, however, but a few Hundred yards, when wo were stopped by the narrowness of a deep limestone cut, against whose aides the two hindmost cars began to rub. Finding It impossible to retain these, they were detached and left in the cutthe company crowding together on the tender and a freight car. When we 'finally got rid 'of-an we advanced at the rate of twelve miles an hour, notwithstandingthesteepnesaofthe grade. At seven o'clock we reached thetogan Mines, our- destination, and about nine miles from the Tunnel on the and C. Railroad, (ieneral arrangement had been made breakfast; but, house room not being sufficient, a tempoiary table was erected under the broad spreading oaks, Wad here" the whole company sat down with appetites sharpened by early rising and the pure mountain air.

Breakfast being over, we went to examine the mining operations at the Logan Mines. Hero a number of new, clean hand-cars had been provided for underground explorations. In one of these, myself and two others seated ourselves; "a broad- shouldered, thick-set lad handed me a candle, and applied the motive power. In this way we were ta ken through the various avenues which already penv ctrate tho mines from fifty to three hundred and fifty" yards. The stratum through which we passed is four feet and a half thick, with a slate roof and floor.

The excavations have been made with more than ordinary mining skill, leaving each passage only four feet wide, with arched ceiling perpendic ular sides, and a flat, level floor. The miners, most; ly Welsh and English, when at work assume a re cumbent posturo.and with a pick-axe cut a narrow passage at the bottom of the stratum, and one on each side of the avenue then making an apeP ture near the roof, they insert an iron wedge, and split oft" the mass with a sledge-hammer. These masses afterwards broken up into lump-coal, that which is cut away with the pick-axe being' technically called dust. It amounts to about one-third of the whole excavation, and is usually made into coke. The coal of these mines is bituminous, and its quality unsurpassed it is entirely free from sulphur or slate, and burns freely in the open air.

The company expect to exhaust the supply nt the Logan Mines in about a year but before that time they will have extended their road to the Wooten absolntely inexhaustible, ourselves from a mdre-n-ilie mines and refreshing water, we were called to dinner: R. J. srtlgjjtice-presided, and when the inner man had been braced by an excellent collation, the following resolutions, presented by S. P. Allison, were unanimously adopted: Resolved 1st.

That we, the citizens of Nashville, hail with pleasure this the first attempt at the development of the mineral resources of. the Cumberland Mountains. 2d. That we have seen with wonder and delight the locomotive, Gen. Mosqucro, breasting tho steep sides of tlio mountain, presenting at every turn, most beautiful and startling views.

3d. That wo thank and offer to Mr. Tracy, of Now York, our warmest sympathies for the success of the noble enterprise which is 6olcIv due to his energy, and which lie has this, day so pleasantly exhibited to -our viaw. 4th. That we congratulate our fellow-citizens upon tlio prospect of a full supply, at rcasonahle ratcs, of so necessary nn article as coal; and we hope this enterprise, inaugurated by foreign capital, may bo participated in and sustained by us at home.

These resolutions called forth some remarks from Mr. Tracy, diiring which he stated that the Sowanee Mining Company have thus far paid every account that has been presented; that they are entirely free from debt; and that they havo tho meanB to complete their, road to the Wooten Banks, within a year. The glasses were then filled to compliment Mr. Backus, the chief engineer, who replied that 'he cpuld.notnjake a speech, but that the road; speaks for itself. i 1 The'hcaUh of 'Blumc, the second engineer, was then proposed by Mr.

who introduced the compliment by a series of remarks highly commendatory of that young' gentleman's 'talenls. and Some, desultory remarks followed by various persons, all of whom, entertained the belief that tihe City of Nashville would be supplied with a good ar ticle of -coal, atmore reasonable: rates, and mor certainly by the.Sewance-ifiriing Company any other sThus enaed 'the ceremonies of the day; and without a remark or an event Iwliich. we.all rcachedtiiecity Saturday night by tue ton train. MANKS. ass rnn- hA-vAnTKNTtiBx wiTaMOSB Inoia.

On evening of the ot Match, two large -Hons were shot in the 'immediate vicinits. of the cantonments at Dcesa. At about fonr -o'eiock in the afternoon. aomanatives- brought tho inulligetieo: that Jmo' Stiange amma.Iir hadlieenn'esr (WlDccsa, and that icuuiu auuu-oi anaaruDAin thev were. iThev were, however, declared to be' neither cheetahs nor tigers.

Captain Wyvillc, of, Her. Majesty's 83d Rceiment a dead, shot imme diately started in pursuit, accompanied by three or war nauyeU jjn rehii.eptacejiginft5f out, the captain fquiid'to his astonishment, a full crown Jton anditrOieaa Be, however.ioBtAota mooept, out taKinc a cooi ana ae uoeraie aim loatreri a lead en 'ball In' the (rcass'oT'th'e mo'narefi of 'the ipst, whicb.brought hiaua MJ9 tiie grono'i stone dead. The lady, rroubdig accustomed to liiA nftr wilk n.l such ne- -inrrml Dure pursmt. On- rnVmI gallant Nimrod found himself at once of wr.X uau, ijump froai Us horse before was. ver hla back, ahd had faerf mwri -brie prior fiillbwV peril 'now refatne ItnrninenV but enhanced by the 1.

1 iu accttt wi valuta wiuauii icu Iuuipaiuuii9j( vapaift Wyvuie. however, aeems to possess the eye of tho rd nmM nf iron: For anitWiffgt into iamW nd akinned this i a cenerositv cor- l.H L. A-n 1, JYTI-t'tT 1 jjpwwo wyujaKvuiufauucaa Qua la ia man cor non- 40 becae raftr; aw Mi Cos tn 7i 4. 100 tamh Pai SO 3o Xnr Vprt Bonrtno Waj; to 100 tin Iteoja-f Tl Ml W1U rrr.1 ririity of aT gmmi ooncovrrw. ytl fliajari Darts a swaitrt, My isa.

iv Vt art f.lqgjjrii Mffltltn 10e. U. mjt wtsstx a TliowttN. MtAi cTiteu a ux, And JBzdaange ke Cedar Klmf, wppMti ikf 'Pwat fftre. TCAMB VII.IJ& i TWrjr.

KSCSUMOX, OOLD, ULTZk. AXS ALL XOTOt Jtwil SToteas. X- ol awgniotny. iwbhii oa ro-ai jtitonMu emujrm-lhnn. Htm a anna.

Bulk of NJi. a.v,' Orct.a.ii. Ilivairiro 1 Mir iroctr a. M. neon.

01 Liir iioin. km kkwu itroiat-ti. EEpoarg or rui'oaka aitdDKD ajcd orrnMiN. I TUB supxwr court or Br Joax L. T.

ixttxt. Val. 1, Bow tujjmd (or il(j xujse. W. X.

RISRR1' Sc. CO. Nwilee. IJICREBY giro notice Io all penom re ItulrMrd lothtl of WilUam Z. iIkM.

to come forward and pay iu; anil all wlo haie clainu afaltiu laid eaute. rill prcscaiuem. (or tajiuriit IUln Ue wo pw- Come auaal rice! TUU unneralanrd nava Juat aolabatl ordF a pair or UAN'TL M1UK0U8 PlEHOLAiS, allb (ranra 0f all wbo bare a ta.iofor audi tiling. W'tbarc 1I lliai we can manulacture anrtnlnK in lou una efiual io uxt moai lfic, J. Jhe ca-a aol at price, which tuakr Oie lntere.t ih otiaem ot Jtath: to purcliXc' olit.

anrt we c.r iteie. our latui aa proot. uJ cc iiiem, ami oe autBca. do. W.

i U. FBEKMAN. Ma5 W. FEESHAN Ho. 12, Hortb College Street, Nisamxi Tcsitntxa.

WE arc manufacturing at our new quarters Richly Ornamented (-lit Mailt I and Iirr -lar in the highest style or the art. Portrait and Picture Frames Curtain Cornice and Inside Window; and krrpcon staotly on hand a ctiolce stock of Window Hlmilct and Cur tain Materials together with a complete assortment ArtUt Materials of Uie very best description- Oil Paint luge and Engravings; Cabinet Makers' Materials; French, Window and Picture GUss, Ac. Ac. Vie would call especial attention to our Gliding Department. Having gone to tomUerable expense fnprocnrlnff Orntitntni of the most Elegant and Beautiful Styles, wt can safely promise that the work we turn out shall cumpetc In all respects, with that of the most noted Mmiofsclorlei In the Eastern Cities, and at as low a iost as the same dtt-scriptiou of work can be brought here from abroad, the pur chaser running no risk on account of breakage.

my. 23, lb. OUSV'fl LADY'S BOOK, J'OR JUNE jail received hf wyliS UAGAn BHO. KMVCKLE WANIIINU MAtlll.M "TTK haT Juat recelred another larjre lat of the, etle- If arated lbor-SaTltif Af In want of any eliould call oon. WA8II1NO MACHINES.

Those We arnd a nao to ihor them used (rc of charge. II. LOOMIS a Affenla for tnjr. 0i AWY'D Italian Cloth Uailrr (ulalo tott) UE.ST KIU ditto tYELTKD UOOIS BUSKINS PAK18 TIK8 Wllllt Kill BUl'PEIlS Cilll.DKKN'H II00T8 a am ao a cnuiicii, 42, College Street. FINE Jnat recelred by May 28, ISM.

FOB SALE. SEVERAL Lots containing from fire to fifteen acres, situated on the lbauon Turnplbo about tliree-fourtlis of uuit Nashville. Mara eligible slles for hand-found in Urn county. All ol'ine-iMrlocitlonsarennttob. and the back part or portion of them wrlltnnlrjc privilege! Accommodating Terms.

Apply to M. IIDHN'K, Market street near the Square; or to (). M. CAMl'IIELL, near the premises. my Si, ISM.

lm. or 'in iio wKtii.TT- medicine that has tv been Introduced Into aec-JL1 tion of the country has been found so valuable as the GRAEKEN BEBG DYSEHTEBY BYBTJP. Thouannds of holtlea have beta aold ol late years In'lhls State; and it baa been found In every curie to give Inatnnt relief in all cases of I) itnd' Dlarrhcrn, hn Irnmoni-lory Kingva of Cholcrn, lllnni)' Gripings, 1'aln in the Stomach or Dowcla, and all Incidental complaints from eating unripe fruit, crude vegetablea chtiugeof water, Ac. There la no occasion to offer ceftlucatcs for a medicine that lrns been used In almost every family In tlie state with complete success. It waa used by the Hoard of llrallb In New York, and alo at St I'etcrahurg, In Ituaala, In the Cholera Hospitals, whim other remedies had failed and la universally admitted to be the beat and moat reliable med Icine in existence lor the disorders it professes to cure.

This medicine is warranted and should it fa'l to rare a circumstance never yet known the money will be In all cases refunded. The value ol this medicine and the confidence which the public reposes In It, have Induced the riibserlher to have It left for sale at all Drug Stores throughout tbeHtnle. Price per bottle fid cents. Ai.KX. MACKENZIE.

CUILUItr.K'li PAVACKA. 19 the Graefenberg Company had never produced any thine else Tor the public heni fll than thla Invaluable medicine, they would daeerve the gratitude of every parent Tor the (Jhllclrln'a Vtinnron. which his irl tSt lift nf. more youna Chtblrnt Itiul rUrd ynar nirk. than any other medicine everknown.

From one hour old, to five years nf age, this medicine never comes amias to DitnnrtKo cntLpnooo. For Fever, Teething, Worms, Colic, Disordered Hnwels, Ac. It never fails. Those mothers who have used It pronounce It to be one of the greatest of blessings. ST Foraale at every Drur Store in the State, may -r AI.KX.

ICE! WE IIAVI door to W. 1,. HOYD. ON: OIIEHRV hTKKFTT, where ICE, of as fine quality as any in Ue roaxsTt, an be bad at on and a lialf cent jier jxrund, a share of. ptronsg Is solicited.

Open at all Jiours during the week and until II o'clock A. on Snndays. May 19 1m: W. T. OA1HIETT A HnOTirP.KS Jltt Kt rciTtral.

500 sacks MlasourlOaU, In run-nies, and for sale hy II. FRENCH A SON. Applra. lflfl barrels (Ircen Applet, In store and for sale by (apIS) Jl FI1KNC11 A SON. DAVID WILLLIKS, Propriotor.

TnE Proprietor of the above celebrated takesihlsmelhod ol announcing, to the public that for the reception of visitors. Mob Air is situated at the ton of Cunibertaod Mountain. main stage road from Nashville, to KnorvQIe. Unremitted and atteullon to the, comfort, aitd every accommodation that'tfan promote the health and enjoyment of visitors will be given. In addition to the Bon Air water vlifl.ts can have the benefit ol Jie rings kept by Mr.

Jojepli Jones, lb the tm- mcdlntc IUtcs oj! Haua. Tdan per day 11; Man per ws.k Horse per day SO Horse per week 18; Children and Servants ItAlf price. 'DAVID WILLIAMS. AaiLT'iVaa analjaed by Pr. Troost, 20 ou.

of ao wa. tcr prodoced Carbonic Acid, 8 coble Inches; Protoxide of Tron, I grains; SuTUhm-lc Add. IM do; Solpuata of Lime, 1. of Magnesia, Traaw. r- Consists one equivalent of Iron.

2S, I one of Oxygen, 9,1 my 18, "55 olm. rTOTICK. Bf Tlrtae of a deeefof tnisf eieented to metyAndrrw Jackson, oa the Sth of May, 1S58, for the of securing a debt to George A. Washington, therein set forth, laball.oo WEDNESDAY, THE 1 3TII OF JUNE NEXT, at the Court, Macs ris the city of Nashville, pro-ivsT toao; at PaDOfrAacgan. ta tka biiibest for a certain tract or parcel of Land lying fs.5Hidson county.

State of Tennesser, and ktiowp as the If ermiuge tract bounded on the north hy tne lands'of John and Philip Sbote. on the. Cast fcex la lands cf A. J. on tlx west by landaof William and itocXly Doncliun.

and on Ute south oytne tanas at Mrs. ard and Timothy Do'ls'9, and eoo-uTnlnrng by estimation tbe'nrgro slavea hereinafter named. vtxrrJ0frle. Fraitll, polulcre, Charles, Ilyrmt, Henry, Ned Paris, Minor, Aaron, Tom, Aeguvtus, WBtlaiu, sjair.ptan. TVerBioo, PI-mon, John, BarvrJnlKul, Davy.

Little Tom, Sam, Dodey, Maria, looisai, CWea; -ComeUa, Sarah, Nan, UrBcrsy. Msalhta, 3. early, D. AUly, Pnary. -Laura, Ktoy, Jaiiej Maria Creasy, Kady, IWty.

Betty, Martha. Jtata, L. Hannals lodn llarmab, L. Orsv eey, JtV Ellen. Eindy.

LeUy.afary Ann, awl ylva. As much of said pOTWIJ.aXflecribel will be sold aa SaUto at tbt usual iwiairHBsaraluaV May sjoawtd. W. B. JR.

F. A. wVIKVEiVKiA, UBi 1scitaeof'tluiT7ST. TmttS bit broTesTOnal sWrlces tl aanaof tir tin and DlTldjon couatlrs. reaiaaacil is at ayeatuOre JJias, wttrii li' T'iu i) Pnat.

T.Z.7.: 7T-Tr tKSII' ftVa. S3.j laana-ai wrttr ttttT rut -mximm-ju rx 1 f. of rr (fsntatosa astesvrt. asstl atatfsJsVra iaoir or tl ar4 tt ti. Grattit Ann; bta-vat of P- ApjAtim ru' Thtf WsM fltt aV rrh UK1 purpotr.

ia ctTWon it a t5rU. iifja. II. V.lnuaio XJ 1HV and tJvMsg trw ttorrem si Um- ntreat t-tm Matf-fit- isjtrwt'w aW UttSh prnl war tii tl. Ctwsir, sih) roael to Irani all atxrqt Ruia.

TtJ5 IJ! arafl tiOil c4 "Krr.rwth," wtsch hi Msr to taJ Mih ou can jUlrti annuniw It fl iaj usI'IAa- Sanest. It will pnjrr yi.tmi a. tia tJ Uh aritsmo. Kufssfc-ftTiflsa s'inn'iw lUtr if, Rnlitief' n.i "rvlrYaraae, in fe Ftmnt "W'r fitwo tho tlUr tp! id cur osrn, ttmtji bf pt AtnrrWti 5' il" ltij rV," that' lu author tlir euMbwe atsan ef TIm) Tlare Oiiardians 'KtrtuaUt, or Uir. lUar OwrtJ ih (ratir) 'ItriirilaV and tha 'Kingi of Whether thnsw ta) rtwf eiDtar-J in Of rtfr rw twnl, vr srrmt 4ww1'rt tu h.

011 ihn 5fl uj if tatirtw Tim flrM of Ucr itllhi-i Untt a4 a MitMjllnn lirrrn Wna llit' Heir," ami what a msatirm it tiaal lt-f nlnj In tlir irtnaihs nf lltf rflirr 4 tlioir aforiKajtl, Inutiii It IwltniEtril to.Ui Virlitli liuw nianr UinuaanJ ba lea lacJ nSota; by Its puMI'ttrr, to mipply thr tJpttt4 far tK-w, an.l 11m iilafsm nr otasmvttl, sir swrpl awav old cotilrr. wa tin not altai)t lu jcclurp, Takjiig bo iititilrtatttal apjmtlinWii, but tha asaxruincti notuwr. lor um taT tn tui rai-rulailon, antl aaeuuiitig Uiali eacli oirpl UJ, UP all aTfragr, Iwo rradorw rmlr, tre rilitaln a mul, iaf hw-low tho Irulh, of tral rfHfrti ition.atWJ srvt.ea and walk 1 lur Uia luao, aotuati, ur t'lilW, csnttl'l ri-an It with dry yea la tt uadlMtrrs-Ftrd, though a luctatln- IterttitOi Hn Mttut, btiuV llio ona or llio" hm-lllpa ln Sutltntlvtdual.uiouO?. but lititisss-hoida, cntwistirirj In (treat jwrt of toailfMvaiirst ruling tUmscla, ftnn1 kcrrlitof. id all aotts anil aic, fuan aijuaia laj of llulile banJanna to Ui atjuar Inch of iwtuaj niUj inusiitl.

Wfsyttglt with riufous art, Wt)l IUW Jih walfra lhai ttpslart, Whon the; foutilaltiii of llio Hy eDxing SlilvnlsSlrrl irtllaipall, Am twillllttr; "The fnhllpr, tlir tllvltir, thi lio vrr, the? bUr, ahil tho jwplnn tfr hrr alifttiUIor, In Ail) an. cording to thi' difT-tint niclra nf saciytiiallai. uvi that Inin Iv (rate. nndr thv rhtwinut ue nf a far anil Mill ah. I a.

II they tnlnlitl A ill, a lnhral)lo anufliiUnri wlib ftitliruua liefr(tilil to sjicali of al antral, fitiiti Kii riiailiatjiaiali' dnwn to tliu tmMfry idol (iriUHi, w. liar. Hltio hcatutlnu In pnmotinrlno; Kir tJtiy Morvltlp, Ittarljirfe, Ihn intsat adrnMabln nn thai Hint Hint with. In siory or Out. -Tim ijloHiias, jiiyotsa knv, il, liHIIiant, arrii'DI, cblvalrtiua cl.ll.l nf prtdua ami nf (hrturtf, ercrwiiud atlb tint twauty of hl awty Imtt Jtaa, arid orahadawi wih tbi rlarksroM his hcnilitnry dtfOtn, ami lh soft and looahbg tad-nrM of hl rHr tloaUi 1at a caution Is Hit rot u.r a w.

n. ffusy alt)nd rsoVevsf sieae cffos (ts aJaslMsif lopsifrtr Inrttt: TIIK CAKTLB IHMM'KRJt. By taw Atalnavef Il.lf of rlMlcrybV" vol Ifwsa. OflArit LKR. -Ity Jrm liliius.

I Ilmo. UtAllTSgAtir; OK, Mr ItltOTII.slMTl Ily ll.a Author of Tts Meif HerlyaV." 1 TIIF. fUWMIfn UNI. A fcliefn atoiy. It, a CtMbt ol the Pun.

I ilolh. Iy Csinrh lra Wlillr ttVnnaa ft rasl l.adF a- nrtsta fbr saUtal ho. X' April 1K.V.1W. Htlttllr i gITU 'it' el1 'I'll- undersigned l.a. (i.lin.,1 aa at) Or .01 iiry Jiflra, ilw it.

Ail tirffat Iml, blad tM 11. 111 please csll snii mat. tiivn.rnt: ami all llis taptta'a eialma Sralnst tb. saroe, will prcaetit lWtn wltblrtib. lHw pii.rril.i'tl l.w.

it. FyiHi, May IS In Ill llrnila. I lr.rt.1 Cotrdlasl yon nwtvtd aad raw Ml. bv Msg la, Ikia. ft.

vtFI.LIBll 1 Ts I. gtaau, nai.stiti. vTslM. ra.sia, PxioiiK, (Iaasr, Airtais, Oaa. Traat, gvau.

p.uia ana! torrti iH. JsssstA PalaV. srllk Fi-f r.t'.nri In imh r.i,,n. Ikalita. eivedaodrby CIlAlUJJ A'WlJOs.

and otaio.iiris dasftog, lns fv, tyrn), welnlng s. rooms, smi.k svmI -talats. Apptyta it. a. iiAi.uitrr.

Agsat. Urn, II UrnU Whore to Buy your Hats. one to a wy bttPl WAT; a ry "bd rrsauiiai rutty, w. ahiitiM I rv.r tbfm as tnre Io Wax rlirlsl H'alkCH. TMrtllita tlM sBort Mttnrlpt rer.fcinft.

iu4 wltl 1(r ciwittaw treHUftm. et)t tiit jit ttMr sri Fitpiflss, tly ara HAildclvd if.a Mil dr)iiM ol uitreuon. ItMH WHTTS KAVn AsTs MMalMDUt HATt! WATKlinKLII ar MsaiafVitltttig list IV. Mihswr st trni Jl Jlorlv ilfoflai Ibattr. and frwn MsM taut, i oteee.

Tiivir aatormetii or yira rney tot li.rae.Siilrit. all ihr riw iMtgal. i Vow anl wdiatwyrinvs. MKMHASTH wb feaiisa sWUssstaar are ejy fwaasas) to maaitMyawatt wksw da-, stiaistd natl sl Ussslk uvr atyiso am aissssi. oasa prmm itui WATakmUr a yaMisaHi AaWarS.

bawaswaoi.ry. sptlllt wt Ms ikegrssanttmiataarwalFF. iwssassesa mmgt IMfaaaff IflPWI Ml Jt.VD rASbtV iOM wTCtltlfaf alsg. cistf.ll OF tttR WCAKi rtsskse TITnFRTtrwlAwTaa imimH altlktS l''rHW: KGT AMiv iTS13(atltNTAL HOIK. ia Wa Iif at w(, saaef, tfts, fwawsta, Tsaatia, mfn aaui fW aitl Jota la salt aali ait avaaaiiiiak Cfceap tt Vj.

py Iaa. si)r srj I 3 Ciwaaawl wsaswaosriisaa te fctV IHlatkata, Waib, farkt, laaMki, tv, t. -WAitsg ww Ordn srlffBS fwHif n'st aannaia a' ii arva. llasaa-reta day J. M.

lUvrMaVstaa tifU. a. aw vaaeai stwaw, I st.SfT'Z. -X I. TV aSsTPsrwstalsawtwI atr iMnw caadi- Atikt It Oeaaaliaht dactian, in 1BJ1, tUtt cave Joanoa, the demo- far Governor, a majority of i oWfcaaatae, wttig.

TEegalnof there-, rej-apon Wrja over tW vbu ofTSSi, ii i JoBxsok'i aggregate of majorities in ties coon-1 to sad dra, to Igai. waa mBW, -white Wrsrt lr 11,58. Wrsa, llr- tagaincd upon same counties and cities waa 4,460, while Flock- Tof's hi run up FtbcucbT," tterelbre; has gained than Wiaa baa gamed. upon Jwwsos. The total vote of these 23 counties and dtSes ia 1851, was 62,210, and the total vote of the Bute waa We have conaeqaently beard from about half or a very little under lialf of the State, conrid- ered in reference to the amount of its popular vote leaving Wiae 4,031 vote ahead of j.

i Summers in the same coontie sad cities. nhnoAnV mftlnritr nTpr RtimTnorfl In ttA whole-, fil.t... 1 141 mninrltv nV tn i -i the 53 counties and cities from which we bare now received returns, as we have already seen, was The counties to be heard from, therefcre, must have aiven. him a over Saaamoraof 1,208 votes. Should they, therefore.

Vote as they did in 1851, Wise will beat ilonrnoy 5,239 votes in the whole State. But should Fiournoy gain aa much, and no more, npon bim in the counties yet to be heard from, as he has in those from which re- turns have been received, Wise will be elected by a majonty 01 io oeai wise, nyurwy iu i have to gain three times as many votes in tha coun ties to be heard from as he haa already, gained. We have gone into the lorcgomg calculations :r.r;. 1 merely to satisfy the curiosity of some-of Our read- crj. althouRh we are well aware that the telegraphic reports upon which the calculations arc based must tu.

aim nr tvaa Inwrnt think inrlend. that we con plainly sec tliat they arc incorrect in several instances. Should they, however, be hi the aggregate tolerably near the truth, as we see no reason to doubt, it will be entirely safe to assume that Mr. Wise is elected by a majority of from 3,000 to 5,000 votea. Nots.

Just as our piper was going to press, a telegraphic despatch was received, with later intelligence and many additional returns. Sec telegraphic head. To Borcrar Lano Applicants. A divorce cannot restore a woman to tho rights or conditions of of widowhood. In other words, tho Commissioner of Tensions has decided that the widow of a deceased soldier having married again, and having been divorced from her 'second husband, isliot entitled to bounty land in right of the first husband.

Will be ready on the lat of Jul. A New American Book Beautiful and Affecting. THE OLD FASH HOUSE; lit Hub. Oarouxi H. Bctlxb Li wo.

Illuitrated with Beautiful EngrTinp by Vak Ikukx rrom original desigoi by Wuitb. 1 Vol. nmo.t Extra Btd and Bliu MuMin, Gilt, $1.23. The name of the Authoress of the above work, spenks vol-uroei In Ita favor, and in this she has produced the crowning effort of her pen. jVor freshness and vigor of thought and style, and for originality lu the charnHng views or Country Life In the "Old Farm II oust "in tliu striking II-lustrations of the folllc of fashionable city life In her descriptions of good and evil In all the various nub- 1 wiiicri sue nas loucnru wnu insr pen, enc cannot tlenceaiir.rh.

genUe heroine, Amy, ia a motlcl of pa-Uievillain Staunton, --hjr tUecviIgeuius of her life. The Book srlll be read mence it will desire to lav it mitftt r. uaiicr oners 1. wiw ouniwaaaa i nnlshed. T)ie pub- leuaea with pleasure ana prom io an win at- UHAHLES H.

DAVIS, my 9-w8t rubllaher, Phlladelphii llarprf Ulaazine for Jane fWUE beginning of a new volume. Subeortption rc- ceivca i ceired and single copies sold by IIAGAN Market street. my 29 HOUSE WA1TTED! "ITT ANTED IMMEDIATELY, a dwelling house IT I suited to accommodate a verv amn fnmtlT of quiet, neat habits. Must have water on the Mm3L premises, and be In neat condition. -( Addrcstv Ktating par-ticulars A.

A. Stitt, Uethodist inibtlshing House. May2T 2l 7E have for sale at low prices VV ICK PITCH RRa, Ice Mallets and Pickers; Ice Cream Frccxers and Tubs, Water Coolers; Brass Preserving Kettles; French Fnameled Kettles, Sauce Pans, kc. Ac. Turned Iron Sauce Pans; FRUIT CAN'S, for DUttlnz un Fruits and Vegetables, of all sizes, from one quart upwards.

my 2 BNOW, MACKENZIE A CO. PATENT SAB 1UOXK. ONK of the most valuable of with which the Ironlhg for a family can be done with five cents worth of charcoal. Tailors and Box Irons; Ironing Stoves and Furnaces; Preserving Furnaces, Ac, Ac; Iron Spoons, of all sisea; SNOW, MACKENZIE A CO. my 24 UOI AIRrVBKACES.

WE hare Juat received from Boitdn a aupply ol 0UI1-SON'B FURNACES, and are prepared to puttlicm up In the best atyle, for heating prlrate' reafdencei' churches or otlier public bnlldlnga. le The following are some of tlie important iraproTcmenia attained by this invention: Purity or air, free from the burnt air ao common to red hot Iron furnace, powerfnl arrangement for generating heat, great durability of furnace, perfect aafety agalnat aotting buildings on fire in which they arc located, may be set in low cellars, and are easily To this Furnace was awarded the World's Fair Prize Medal In Irfmdonin 1S31, having been considered in all res. peels superior to the Furnaces offered from Uussia, Germany, Norway and England. May 28,1855. 8N0W, MACKENZIE A CO- To araend an Act regulating the Water Works of of Nashville, passed June 20, 1S50V ile it tnaeUd by the Mayor and Mdtrmefi of A City "qf SaAtUlt That the fbova Ad (hall be so amtrmtd aa to tiake the folio wl(igti rate of "Water tax from add af.

ttr'tfielstornlyiSoS- Foreacn lamnyrmder flver fS 00 For each family of five-. ID 00 For teach person over 00 Forieatch private bath or bath house "6 00 For each shower bath, by those, who do not pay for private bathing tubs or bath (M) For fjch horse, 00 For each retail store, fj 00 For each retail "grocery' store, where liquors are not 10 00 For eaeh wholesale grocery store where 'liquors are not 50 00 For each wholesale grocery liquors are rectified (0 00 For each srhotesale dry goods atorea lu like 00 9orau.wboleamlelntg store, at) 00 For each retail drag store, 15 00 For each confectionary and baker's shop, 85 00 For each confectionary in oO For each boarding 23 00 I For each i 0 00 and three per cent, en tlit rente valoe thereof. I For each stable no For each liverratablc. ner stall i 00 I i 'I Ing vehicles. 10 00 Fortacb 15 For each 0 00 I rflnadrS-frTS ID 1 ftr htUr's shop, emrJoy ing four Kaui as or under.

10 00 For each hand over 8 50 For each coxrier'a '80 00 For each aoapand candle 80 00 For 15 00 For each blacksmtth'sshop, of one forga.or fireplace, 10 no For eaoh additiooal forge fire place, 50 For each shoemaker's shop, taddbsra shop, cabinet snop, wagon asaarr a an op, tauora soop, or oiner. shops of tike description 10 Ot) each tin. Iron strap, connected, 15 00 foreacbrbarbewahepof JO 0 soreactiaaaiuonal i. tai For each 15 00 Jor each printing office 25 00 For 15 00 Foreaci. raJslkbaAIous, per 10 no Tor aoh 00 JToresuh wsgos yard, ejtclaair ol 8 00 rortacti waaaaorsmaa ww.saaca waaniog.irom cuier persoaa jsac reaiatng tn the aaxs iio'use wiui her.

15 00 -For eackslaaglsw laaasa, 65 00 roreacn steam engtni or -norse power ana zu For sc1i1wj power ovwtoraw. Ot) taaQrasory, t. io tar ta sas ttoily aaWatcisjo' 00 IVr each caslkst kwasj ec slriAkinatsuoon, first 15 00 15 00., ljrasjarsor rUo WldlMa ,4 00 for aach water lssnHnrraie families, 2 Do For aeh artoaj stna in aotais or puruw: ooliauifs, A pq For aach BTloal atak IsvpalvaU.dwelltsVts,.... 5 00 Sac. id.

BtUenmUd. That all laws and nana of lawa ictetf.I coraiicw1titopbriaaaBean may are aarwwy rpaioa- NaibvSK, ltCS. TW my a. -m xm asp au A nret TUH. II Ofr( Un lll fowwj i arvi um Qif of lit -wcfy.

Tannara rt, aasli ftmatfn ttmty (nit-w. 4laM MMaaua mm Uir mw)i i (MMncalt tj lh lirat Sruk. Q--aarhtllawm I IL UnAcy ot Sf la Cr ft. ttt WMTMh i ItrlSB to BOrrblM Jilt ItxnU AffcooW Urftt Lo4 or. tkr Mimantni kit rt.

nbT aulas, tor a Wood VaeaV wMk a aw Las4a. Atayrva BALt oa UsalAtresM. nv UssaMsWscassrawt. LouUTtnadaT ani TtHUf Jfcral: IX raCaast. T'llaS ssWasMt iaa Ua.

Capt. VTv Wo. thlastay are aisniw every xursoay asm roaar ai io ceuhettlaf PaausMa wttb lb St. TsMtBl aa Uk A. oouing at rUassdi wttfc lbs t.

TatBlaa vine I'niird hatM Mas reeu. Fa n-igc apply on boar4 af to A. UkaUl-TWS. ay is Agl NEW BOOKS. HAIIPEHD UTAXIfaTH'AI.

S3K TEED OF THE WORUs-ParUcatArly dnrrtblng lbs of Amrriea, Canada, Sw ssrwsiswlcSL, Nova rotia. Illu.traM by Ssvrn Maps. ItSS royal octavo Phyiical fleocrapliy of UltftaSL By Xlrui.Tlr. of Celebrated Cbararters fly Woolfrrt's ItwHiu Ity Wahlgtn Irrtrg. wnfoBt OwtuMp and Ita Csnaruaeea.

ltoirt Graham. My Mrs. Hmla. Alone: A Novel. Ily Marlaa II aria nd.

l4fcol Sara llouaton Illuatrated. Inrs A Tale of lbs Alamo. Sons of Ibe Sires JL UisWy of tb lllaa, and Dettiny of the American Party. Pisnhopc Durlclgli: The Jrsultslncor Honrs. Know Nothing Almanac and Anrrleab Manual.

Nature and Human Nature. Sy (bun Hllck. Fifty Year's Exile or Israel Potter By llsrsoan Mali HI. Men of Character. By Douglas Jrrrold.

Kste Aylesford A Story of 11 1 lUflig'CS. Cooper's Novels, llevi.ed lot- by (my Il JOHN YORK A CO. J0HH YORK It 00. hava for aala tha bnrt arti- dd ot PEH8 In this market. ci, ri.i:it v.

POCKET KNIVES 30 kinds tha beat quality. For aale by J0KK Y0ITK my i Comer of Charry and Dnlon sta. AIUUVAI.S OK a ix a. nvn a H. GUTTER, 1 9 now In reerlntof bis Htrtut and Summer gtoek of A HOOTS AND SHOES, consisting of all tlio taricKia styles ol Ladlea and Oentlemen's Mne lloot.

antl rnis, ot superior make and uualliy. Alio, a lull Block of Shoes and Hoots, for Boys, Misses, ati'l children. Tlie above stock has bfftn selrrted with great ears as to ii-r and oiialltv. avid will bw on lbs most favorable terma to cash or prompt dealers, to suit the bard times, a our motto la "a nimble sixpence is Better inan a wow nil), log." B. It L'UTTEll, April 20.

1 Corner llroad and Collefa atrects. Mratr llal. A ITI.L aa.ortment of Men Flo ITI.L aa.ortmem ol Men'a, Doya. and Children's Straw Hats for sals low lor cask bv 11. IL CUTTER, April 20, Corner of Collrgs and Broa-lway.

I.ristUtT lit' HI il and Late r. -I L'ST RECEIVED I1Y EXI'ItEe-: 0IKI feet of 12-Inch Handing; Ills) do 10-Inch do; 2IHK) do plher slues, 2 log-lnchj 51 (munda licit Rlvtta; 110 aldca Lao Loathe B. R. CUTTKO, May 15. Cor.

Collect and Broastwa.r. TIIK iin.lT.frn?d1 Ut of Ausiut. (if Mcuri. Nichol A VA contlnur the Cotntnltiinii siul Ororrry liuolncs, tt da Stand, romr of Market n-! rhnrrlt tfrr4i. my 17 HKVMOOIl.

KANNtNO a- Cp. II AVlNtl intd ftr sliVt bf MrrrlmtMllft Mn-irt Ti.txiNd I alt of AueutB, fli-'TfU, tnkt (ilrasur in recninnitrtidiritf thtun Io our custom-, si ffcuUcmtt In evry way wottliy il-clr iuiitsort al i.tion-ago. i (toy 1TJ SlUloL A I'CACUCK. SEYMOUR, TANWGc at-ccanstma tu xicuot. A rascsKK.) 11' a I.

KSA I. li tf 11 li COHM188I0N AHD FOKWASDIKO aUtBCHAXTB. AND DKALKItH IN i Baoon, Lard, Com, Wbtsat, 1'aathcra, Saetwax, DritKl Fruit, to Cqrnrr .9 Alnrkrt and Church stnrt; mr if IVMalaw ills', 'friim, NA8HVIXIE ft N0BTH-WESTEBK BAILB0AS. OKOI'Oi'AIJl will be rccrlvrd, 'addrrtseil to Hie mbafrl. bors, at flu bors, at Ibclr office In Drradcn, Weakly county Trim until Monday, the II Hi day ol June, fn Monday, the Ilth day ol June, for the Iruhbint rubbing slid clearing, grsding.tnssoury.,s. of nifl thewvitem djvlsloiiof lb milt, from the city of lllckmnn, at Hi point fir JUUr-lion will' tlie Mobile and Ohio Itaflroad.In Obion county, to Huntingdon. l'rilpoaals will also be rrcrtvid, sildrenciTlo Wsativtrie, until Tuesday. th lOlh day of July, for tlie gr'Wng elcnrlug, grading and masonry, crows-tlre, Ar of in mlU. of the ca.tern dlvlaion ol said road, Commenting itt KaSh- ViHe.

T'hevrork Is divided into sections of aiaautomrwiibt vacb, and proposals will embrace one or mon actions. TsiAhwri-dle division of toimilea will ready abrat the first of rplemb-r, of wbleli due notice will be gtvw line of road paws thronai fine, prMufHIva and lesattliy country, well watered, and where supplies cab las pvortifd re idlly along the line, and ahewpj st asty point lb tl ftorftewftst. The work on the weab-rn division i. prlnelp.l. ly earth work, and the-materlal ts light and ese-eedingly ert.y of excitvatlon'.

The eastern divLlan la twary work, embracing atxrut yards rock rxravaUsatatM mjm yanls masonry. The wbola Hna Is of aay atsSesw by good roads; the country I. rolling and bvallhy. ly psymsnta Will Ha- ma4 In cash as Oh worst and bid. jiropialng to take a twrtlan.

of ta favvormia In the capital stock of Uic company will be fararalbiy- eon aid ered. liana and Profiles of the work may We and apwehVa, lions, blank forms of propta4 and 'all Slfeev tnfurtnaflofl obtained by applying to or addrslog tli sutMerUsrri at Drrsden, or Nashvlile, 10 day.prrrloua to the letticg, i MayU td UttCKKU RUirr, Ooi'l Oontracaera. QmsisS Ike. nUEtVB 1 -Nf Orleans gS-Hda. beat Am.r'n Ola; lt r-rTroVefMacrmgar lr Kawland ltum jiai not, lie 00 a aoiaaws; X-bbl.

do. B'n aoki JUo CotTso, SfHOSV bbls. A boxsLoaf 'agar. 20 do Crf1WcV jla; 10. do Powdered do; 10 tierces frtih tifei ao M.

tt In IPO 160 floorgood cottV aasm.tnt:um and RTne. WesCnt apgTi Wto, a st artleVf, IrotKirfu! flatata CI. boxes Meter Cigars: CO boxes ftimjtitr Tallow Candler; IrsJ.dottn PalotM bsga nci Id do "Altplce: do R. OInger; 1 caals I.ori-iun Portet; 10 barrels Texas "10 do P. 8.

Atmondi; 8 do CreatnNula; do rilberta; 50 boxes Raffias; 8M bbla. Kertlfied Whiatyf 4f) do Old KftMirve do. 50 do Robertson rountr in feoleo Ptsrl Btsrtb; il'o ftasp. Ao dostt Cmv J5fme; lo Msasorrilac1iii.r. 14 bosei Writina Ink; too -SrWIHit Nn- I.

Whisky, of'l nd 9vprrt 20 hbts brs tn'fl neandvr brands. sowdr, tihaf. LtAd, and sTmiirr. other artjlra In iht Crotrry tin'. "Tut sal.

Jans' kr my IT. K. a Lti. rauui ancuiu. atasX.

trsvujaoai lINioir POUNDRY, IIKHUO) aia (lanr nananrg, iprciiit.t. a Wankntw, A'o. 191, Lihtrtu fitrtH, riTTSHI'IICUa MAMTACTUBEKSof all kir.d. el cwrr 1PI Cookie aiovea. llaf.r sod ride OSab4 Parlor ii0.

Waiv.aSJ.rou Ironi, Tea Plow aatd-iVw. feint. Mill and Ms. chinrry Ca.tinya rnerally. and Gt.

and -tVwV l''l-. of i ail rtaot Also. IIIOX ASM 11.1. rt tfs iranj.), Spaiaes, Pikes, Ac. aUsn? ar2ub wilt be al enajk.

ofacturar a pricea. lfiiaa t' KVTLtmLS'H rinsiirtaea aftl.JSrjots; I Supev Congress tislbrrs- Fatasss UatWtlxrd Tie; sa.c FrsfccsCalf bras taatisrss asW iiAstAaj; aaiinc6, No. 4J forWesirsfl. toy 1C. sttfowr ftfrbj twthe darr Btsfior.

ttctrtt; -lfi- 1 nnMiiiirmn iiimrn JUWrFisaij iiftiuavatly lallsawljg QsMajfaat. tutrsasslvMlky -MaOWTA aas an- mi tm. 4P ftm Hg nw." wwaw, epa i i I iha. Jtoneat expression oft his at once pointed him out as a noble specimen of the Ameri--', 'JeHpW; report- Ms ipiebri, for we'shouldfoll tb do" him justice. But -'V say, -that never was a more eloquent- and Jackson.

He arraigned his for his and revolutionary doctrines, and charged them home upon, him with eloquence that could not bo resisted. He Mticiricd a. Johnson's to escape an 1 argument, and when the Governor made his 'speech it had littlowfr jio, weight with the crowd. jOtniry knout exactly how to manage him and what worse for the Governor, jp have found him out also and know what estimate to put upon his TKe lrfw 1 cunning if Andrew Johnson has had iU day in Ten--neasee, and will never be tolerated at the ballot box Gov. Johnson attempted to answer Col.

Gentry's speech. Ho bristled up as though ho was about to do something, ever -and anon called the special attention of the people to what he was almost ready to iajf and then, qulelc as a circus pohe'y, he do Jc-ei aside and fell into the path of his old written at Nashville, and delircrod at Murfreesboro, and galloped through that, greatly to the edification of a few Catholic inclinod friends, and ultra parly men. Alas! There was no new.issuo. discussed by thb candi--dates than those heretofore reported in tho papers, save the white bis'abblitidn'doctrihe advanced by 3ov. Johnson during the last canvass.

Thtf rejoinder of Col. Gentry, mostly devoted to deience of the American, party, in their laudable effortilto tav6 the country from being ruled by dem-gogues 'and. the.most eloquent ip-' peal tb American patriotism it has evercbeeiiflur go' ipHuhe to It electrified the vasiwd aa'd p'ruobd a'powi made the welkin frbni thel inairens and ftirxiaughters of Madison were showered upon 'S iiabovo all, urging' ms-tivb' rescue. 1 Three cheers for Gentry threo'ifot Sam apdKwb'firiiesheforAmericmiscuIingAme Gov. Johnson, srriartinir under the, conviction that .1 ho was doomed io defeat, made plaintive re-: ply, thai really tbnthed said they might "jeer arjdytau'nt and disappfbba'tb'his course as much as they pleased; if Almighty jUirough'iho tiubft to say, p-tb oieiTcggyf and let's die lika WeniTlie 'a 'every tUfng that frien'dsf 0 had been ataniHnff aloof frtim the full in thb tobk th empoaitlonJbr Gen-' ty who will aulrotenir' him.

and reoudiate Jobn- than hia i .7 yDIrMHJS8ION: AT-SMl(EHVILLrI. CoL GmTBT opened the debate in a speech1 of whtch gave entire aaisfaction morethaythis: its 'TaaWr KOTlwithWiiHed attained his great-repatationns an oatorandnsan u.Gov. Joimson replied --ia'aapeeett'of equal which seeme'd'also to 1 were on the so as We wore ldd'oupposo r. "Hs'was eirideiitlv cdolin? off in'thia Each candidate made tho usual rejoinder oTthirty'' currenee oT a single unp)6iSiaM? The most tangiwe-aad prominent charactertatic, fiNtifum finfWarii mUttwi dSu. was.

thaf the finest ipirit'and liumbr. rtarfnvenrioti was eyiaenuy perplex-, meow 1UB.UUB..WB0 avuuK Bnao o-. vwwtglKigaiajw Another prom6ieftWteriatic of tlic occwon bythe tremendoaiasd xurig Bpbn m3HdM "Kninr yhiiitfiVr' inr nn inrnnmnn rnini rm aain some menu nau. WMfble, we may safely and eandidlv aav to our Weads la other parti of tho State, that CoL sipjKtacienowlic'ca cWhile-mt the depoij' the beat was and 1 death would have one more of the7. Ik ul'.

iV 11. arittaliotthellbtKsw through the: head. The pn nee-r a fftSiS? Skil'ik'n, esajr-i 'v-tn-v TJ A'g. I WnUWhtle the IcCOmOUVe i fellrWCTaflt'Tpfe. ad venture has; evoV rjcen sorpasVed; ho, peapy mld reme'rober'a time in Sii t'Ua'MllSSVSiXitiiiL: of' who, lives "gTfJSCTWJ'v three of llia finr, having bn accidentally -track 1 Jtoroffbv tirisw6ijd.bif bhKof aia'cbmpailonvfie-is do4'; U'm'h-Mlr vi twwik-s--i, ir.a..:-aLl-i.

-ol -i- -Myi-otj with his bravery, baa ordered the eiim of Vttni00iipi dlstribated ataoifc tfc'hwrfiEjfel- WJCSrg gWSVtoVMaOWOTagBi aaw uoar fani. Toward approached tha moan.

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