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The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee • Page 26

The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee • Page 26

The Tennesseani
Nashville, Tennessee
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

NASHVILLE TENNESSEAN and Ths Nashville American, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 1914 i 'E CLU! Prepared to Die JOIN 1 in MUMV mm HE HPIiH-NriAf UNIT if I- WILU1 1 ifinii i vniiw vi vnniw i uiuu i Friends Had Lost Hope Lung-Vita Was Used as a Last Resort and Cured Her Read Her Own Words. I WBE55J 118 our the and Nothing old-style or shop-worn. Take advantage of position to give you lower prices. Just a little out of high rent district. Note a few specials for Consisting of 6 Chairs, 42-inch Extension Table and Buffet; $75 value; 2 days only 10 County Democratic Executive Committee Holds Enthusiastic Meeting.

PLATFORM APPROVED Campaign Being Conducted by Nominee for Governor Highly Commended. FRANKLIN, Cot. tfcipeciaD The democratic county executive committee had an enthusiastic meeting at tiie courthouse this morning, with twentv of the twenty-three districts represented. Permanent organization wiis effected and plans outlined for a systematic movement to organize the party in every civil district. The committee is confident that when Gen.

Rye crmjes he will receive one of the most impressive welcomes and demonstrations of the whole campaign in thfi state. J. M. Pinkerton. former eountv chairman, called the committee together.

Tyler Berry was unanimously elected permanent chairman of the committee, and E. M. Perkins secretary. A eommitttju on resolutions composed of Jesse Short, E1 Perkins and B. F.

King was appointed. It was decided to form a central Rye club for the county, and also a distinct, but co-operating. Rye club in each civil district. A committee of thirty-live was named to organize the central club, and the district committeemen will look after the organization of the district clubs. The resolutions adopted were as follows: RESOLUTIONS.

"Bo It resolved by the democratic executive committee of Williamson county, that we hereby renew our allegiance to the time-honored principles of democracy as enunciated by the founder of our party, Thomas Jefrerspn, and wt endorse the able, patriotic and statesmanlike administration of Wood row Wilson, President of the United States. "We further endorse the candidacies of L. P. Padgett for congress, George N. Welch fur railroad commissioner, Harris for floater, and Tyler Berry and John B.

Ridley, the nominees of the party for" the state senate and house of representatives, respectively, and pledge them our heartv co-operation and support, and commend them to the voters who participate In their election as men of sterling character, distinguished ability and loyal courage men who will fulfill their platform pledges with honesty and fidelity. We further endorse and cordially approve the iila.tfnrm f-lnntoH thn Chifforobe Will sell pieces separately. Oak, tlie joy of a man's fijl A QC heart; $25.50 value Big Leather Rocker Oak or beautiful and IQ QQ massive J15.00 Rocker for pCfOU July 1, 1914. Nashville Medicine City Gentlemen: In March. 1D13, I began with ajiacking cough, which grew worse, until in June I took my bed.

1 was then examined by the city phyBiclan and pronounced tuberculosis. I was then having hemorrhages. One year ago today (July 1), the doctors sent me to the Tuberculosis Hospital, where I stayed three weeks. I continued in bad health, growing worse, and Just after Christmas of the year 1911, I took my bed, being so weak that I could not sit up. I grew weaker and weaker until about the first of April I heard of Lung-Vita and secured a bottle and began taking it, and Immediately began to improve.

I could then lay down and sleep at night without coughing. I had bought and taken every cough syrup I could hear of, but none did me any good until I got Lung-Vita. "The United Charities had bought me a new bed and springs on which to-rest and die easily; but after that I began to grow stronger, and by the first of June I could walk two blocks. Now I walk half a mile to church and go anywhere I want to go. I do most of my house work now, assist in washing and ironing, and from now expect to do my cooking.

"Mrs. Jennie Kirby of the United Charities can and will vouch for all I have said, and can tell any and all what Lung-Vita has done for me. She was the lady that bought the bed for me to die on. "I will never be able to say enough for Lung-Vita. I am, thankfully, "MRS.

SAMANTHA HUTCHISON. S. Mrs. Chas. Buchanan will vouch lor statement." See our big display of Genuine German Reed uphol-stered and plain Chairs, Rockers, Reed Lamps and Domes for library, reception and bedrooms.

Now your chance to buy these at half price, as we bought them that way as samples. Rolled Edge Felt Pad Art Ticking; very line; OLA. QE $7.50 value; 2-day S4.00 value all-metal tfJO 'Vty Springs to match Bed Closed Depth 12 Inches Metal Folding Bed Sanitary and a space saver; holds two grown people comtortamy democratic state convention and pleugo $4.95 57.5u value; 2 days' sale una i.y uuimnees, Riaie aim local, our earnest support. "We note with pride and gratification the manly, candid and courageous campaign being conducted by Thomas C. Rye, our nominee for governor.

We. commend his. unqualified declaration upon every stump that the issues which have divided the democracy aro now settled, a fact which is emphasized aJid Illustrated by ifhe Hta.te platform itself, and we endorse the truth and wisdom of his appeal to the democratic conscience and judgment of the state that the party rea fze that- the overshadowing and underlying Issue of this campaign Is whether the democratic or the republican parti-Is to hn supreme in Tennessee." Solid Oak Costumer, $1.25 Value, Two Days Sale 89c Genuine Vernis Martin Bed Two-inch posts; S7.50 TC value; 2-day sale Oak Chiffonier A beauty; S12.50 jg JJg value; 2 days only 163-170 Third Avenue, North Out of the High-Rent District. A Few Doors South of Church St. RYE SUPPORTERS ORGANIZE CLUB AT VAN LEER BUSINESS CHANGES AT LEBANON, TENN.


I Si. men. live of whom were officially eMimech'f with failed Chickasaw Williamson Independents. PRANK LIN, Oct. mass meeting called by the independent democratic eountv executive committee met at Ihe courthuuse this morning at the appointed hour and was called to order by Chairman 13.

Eggleston. Hon. J. M. Mulllns was chosen chairman and A.

R. Shannon, secretary. In taking the chair. Mr. Mullens said that the Issues today was the same as they were two and four years ago.

He was in favor of meeting them in the same way. A committee of five was appointed, composed of N. B. Dozier Joseph A. Gray, G.

IS. Cameron, H. M. Htee and E. R.

Smlthson to make suggestions of candidates for. representative and senator, to be submitted to a inasa meeting to be held alter the speaking by Governor Hooper. After the speaking by the governor the mass meeting reconvened. The commli-tee llVe Ilot report uny names for candidates, and was decided to leave the matter of uhosing nominees to the decision and Judgment of the independent county committee. The meeting then adjourned.

Four Killed in Auto. ELK TON, Oct. y. Four persona were killed and a. fifth probably fdtaiiy injured when their automobile' wns Htr'uuk by train here tonight.

The dead ui: Mrs. Tillle A. Haiiam, her daughter, Helen, 8, and son, Theodore, 0 yeara old, and Lizzie Shure, a domestic. Haines Harlam; husband of Mrs. 1-iar-lam, 1p not -expected to live, The family lived at Fairvlew.

Md. 13a ilk Trust eoinpiiny, and each of 1 whom is cliamed jointly with the ofchers Mint cuuwpu iu me ninu mail to tiff fraud, were indieted today by A. E. Zion Conference. CLARKSVILLE.

Oct." third day's work of the A. M. K. Ztoit eonfercnee In this city waa dospd hist night with a program by the Forelpn and Home Missionary society. Bishop S.

Caldwell presided. Talks were made bv Dr. P. F. Flack of Louisville and Rev.

li'yo of this city, 'who were the principal speakers. The next session of the ami mil rohferouce will be held at Cincinnati, O. Tho educational convention will convene in New Albany. May, 1935. VAX LEER.

Oct. 3.Speclal.)-At a meeting uf democrats, Including Cornier independents who are now supporters of Thomas C. Rye, the democratic nominee Tor governor, the Van tlye club, waa organized here yesterday. The meeting' was called to order by Rev. W.

R. Dcason, and the following officers were elected: E. L). Frierson, chairman; W. T.

McGee, vice-chafrmuii, and N. 1-1. Eubank, secretary. Addresses were delivered by the chairman, K. D.

Frlerson, and N. H. Eubank. The following citizens were enrolled as members: W. S.

Dierson, R. S. Creech. Chas. Gray, Tom Pender.

S. T. Furgerson, H. Eubank, W. E.

Dierson, W. F. Dierson. H. T.

V. Mullen, J. T. Houston. W.

R. Dierson, C. E. McGee, D. H.

Houston. W. E. Houston, W. T.

McGee, V. R. 'Houston, Gus Mellrey, C. Z. Gilmore, 3.

W. Daniel, C. E. Keel, James Dunn, C. Darnell, W.

T. Bon, G. T. Cooltsy, (i. R.

Buell, R. Ferguson, L. H. Ferguson, G. W.

Ferguson, F. T. Mitchell, Jess Cooksy, R. c. Baker, w.

B. Bell, W. A. Bell, Nute Brown, L. J.

Brown. Robert Harvey, C. Elder, L. J. Brown-inr.

The club adjourned to meet on Monday night to make arrangements for to Charlotte on Tuesday, ic having been announced that Gen. Rye would speak ihere on that day. The Van Leer club will meet the Cumberland, Sylvia. Slay den and 'Dickson clubs some distance from Charlotte, and accompanied by a brass band, the clubs will match 'into Charlotte. It is expected that one of the largest crowds that ever assembled there will attend the speaking.

(By Associated Press.) MACON, Oct. Two candidates for the United. States. senat3 from Georgia "were nominated here today at a meeting of the state advisory committee of the progressive party. C.

W. McClure, of Atlanta, will oppose Senator Hoke Smith, who is the democratic candidate to succeed G. R. Hutchens of Rome was Bele'cted to oppose Representative Thomas W. Hardwick, nominated rjy the democrats to serve the unexpired term of the late Senator O.

A. Bacon. Hutchens was an unsuccessful candidate against Representative Hardwick in the recent democratic primary. A iiuiiiuit ul' Uupurliiiu Ijiisiir'ss uUaiiys have i a la-u piucc here lucoullj'. The Clearinghouse "association, cuin-po'sed of K.

.1. 'J'. Struttuu, i-iiliicr ul' the Lehman Itajili, ami Dexter Tiiylur ul t'uu-agu, a new business enterprise just launched iiei'c Uils uceU, yesterday purchased me stuck and fixtures ul' MeClnlu department mure, uf whicti J. T. McClaiu was.

the senior, member and which 'wan th oldest business enterprise In Lebauuti, the store having been established oer a halt century ugu. The siucii ami. tlxtuies In voiced In the neighborhood of Stark Guud bar uf Lebanon puivliuar-d the stuck and llxtuies of Bains Jirnthcrs one ul the leading clulhfiii; (tines here and ul which s. Bui us war; tht proprietor. Mr.

Goon bur bus been en gaged in traveling for a large ready-uiudc cjoihlng' concern of Chicago lor number of years. He bus taken over ihe business, i he stock invoicing about Mr. Bains Is contemplating moving tu ATabutua, his old home, In the near tu-ture, wliere he has valuable farming in-teresty and where also are loei.ted two other stores of the same concern, his brothers having cuurge of them. and Mrs-f C. Lam; have purchased the stock oi' groceries and fixtures o' Mrs.

Marcellus ilaiehei-, on me easi side of the public suarc. and luive taken over the business. Mr. and Mi. L-ne are well known, both Uerejiud over the county.

a ledcrn prana wnicn nau oeeu consideriup the cvidenee against them since last Alondav moniinc. The men indicted am: G. Neuhardt, for mo president; S. Sparks, former cashier; P. J.

Nelson, former teller; Jacob Goldbnmu and T. D. Browne, former directors. Stabbed With Ice Hooks. Charged with having painfully stabbed Frank Croft with a pair of ice hooks during an argument in the Tulane hotel kitchen Saturday morning.

Walter Cantrell, an Ice dealer, was fined $25 when arraigned before Judge Killen in the city court Sat- niov affornnnii. flmi trail WR.S ar- Then? will be a mooting i the i nmocraLti of lhe Thirteenth district at the store al Bordeaux next Tuesday night, and a Ry? club and campaign organization v-'lll b(! formed. The democrats ni the Thirteenth district announce that they will irive the democratic nomineps a large majorify this year. C. St.

L. Agent at Lebanon. LEBANON. H. (Special.) Philip H.

Purseley ot Nashville has been appointed local agent of the Nashville. Chattanooga St. Louts raihvay till the vacancy occasioned by the tetireinent M. Goldston. wno hid been' the local a sent uf the road here for the past, thirty-live years.

Purseley is a native of Lebanon. Kor a number of years he bus been connected v.ith the main office tb" company in t.L. union station ji. Nashville, lie win vi IiIr fruiiilv bet shortly. B.

Tr-lliver, cashier of the locnl station, will retain hl position, which it waa supposed would be abolished October 1. Ton eu eeaqaer 11 tuU tm dor, la Drove sour health, nrolouc your 1 1 fh. No mors auiinuh iron hit. no foul bread), do tiert wekDett. Beskfn mrnl WdelberTou eh: or i rooks pipe, elMpettMcdnri, md; lo brMilncTohaeea Hnok.

Worth Iftwiliht In gold. Walled IVeo, ff 1, WP0DS. 634 Sixth Ave. Hvmtk.UX Brakeman's Leg Broken. LARKS VdLLE.

Oct. Sam Rye, a brakeman on the Tennessee Central railroad, fell from the elevated track on North Spring street last night and sustained a broken leg and severe bruises. The broken Itmb was set and he was later sent to his home at Nashville. Rye suffered considerably from the time or the accident until his injuries were given medical attention. It is said he was a new man on this division of the T.

and was not very familiar with the Clarksville yards. NEGRO ARRESTJEDON CHARGE OF BURGLARY Charged with having entered the re-idence of Mrs. James Rawding, SSii Third avenue with the intention of robbery, Henry Dodsou, colored, aged 20 years, was arrested Saturday afternoon shortly before 2 o'leock and locked up at the station house with a charore of rested by Detective Kiger. Croft was stabbed In the breast ana loreneau, but was able to appear in court. rl ra EB reterenaes Bart wsi'if I ii 11 i imm-mm .1 LP, A.

TO ENTERTAIN NATIONAL OFFICIAL SENTENCES OF BURTON AND BEACH AFFIRMED KXOXVILLE, CM. Tin supreme court disposed of ten important erimlnul rases ut today's opinion KeHslon In Koine of wlitrh there whs rnucb interest, Most attention was attracted by (be I'Hsi' against James Burton a n'l Luther Beach, from Anderson county, convicted of killing Maude Disney, mi 18-year-old trirl at Coal Creek. The court held that Burton bought cedar oil for Beach, which the latter pave to the Ctrl In an attempt to commit abortion. Her body was found a short whllo litter with indications of poisoning. The court affirmed the act inn of the lower- which fruve them an indeterminate sentence of leu tn twenty years for second defircc murder.

Showing Paramount Pictures Exclusively FOUND UNCONSCIOUS WITH WOUND ON HEAD llenrv Smith, age 35, watchman at tue LpHpuit liiiekyards, near the Tennessee Otitral shops, was found unconscious 1" the brickyard Saturday uliiht with a wound on the head, evidently caused from a blow from a club. He was rushed to Jhp cltv hospital, where medical attention was driven him. He was unable to tell how lie was wounded early thltf The wound may be serious. Post B. T.

P. held its recrular monthly meeting Saturday It was decided to meet again on the 17th of this month to complete arrangements for the visit of President Shuenther of of the national organization of the T- P. A. on October 24.. A banquet will probably be given in honor of the national president.

The following committee will have charge of the arrangements for the entertainment during tho president's visit: L. C. Green Benton and "Morris burglary registered against him. He was taken into custody by Lieutenant Smith and' Sergeant hringh'urst and Patrolmen Griffen and Landry. A cliarge of petit larceny was also placed against Dodsoji on complaint of Sum Sherwood, who alleges that t'he negro, stole pair of shoes from him.

According to the police Dodson was frightened away from the Kawdiug residence by the arrival of the grocery-man, who later identified the negro as the one seen prowling about the house. Lodge at Estill Springs. ESTILL SPRINGS, Oct. 3. (Special.) There was organized here last night a new Rebekuh lodge with twenty-sovtm members- The degree work" was "done by Marble Plains Re-beka'h Jodge, which is said to be one of the- best degree teams in the state outside of 'the large cities.

Instituting the lodge andfche. installation of officers was under the supervision of Miss Leona Roggli, deputy grand warden of the Rebekah assembly of Tennessee. The following (officers were elected: Miss Harold McGrath's Famous Story in Five Reels Annex to Hotel. TULLAIIOMA. Oct.

3. (Special.) Mrs. W. T. Ptitv.

proprietress of tho rlurrieane Htjll hotel, has purchased the handsome residence of George. Steatrall and will use it as an annex to the hotel, the increased of the hotel tinder the management uf Mrs. Paty making the above arrangement necessary. PREMIUM AWARDED PANHANDLE SCHOOL 9 Tuesday and Wednesday CHARLES CHASE DIES IN ATLANTA News was received In Nashville Saturday of the death Friday in Atlanta of Charles Carroll Chase, brother of Irvine K. a well-known Insurance dealer of this city.

These brothers were comrades in the civil war, serving in the Second South Carolina volunteers, -Kershaw's regiment, which was among the first to reach Virginia in April of 1861. Mr. Chase was the father of Mrs. Jack Lewis, who has visited in Nashville often. The telegram announcing Mr-Chase's death stated that the interment will take place today in S.

C. TOBACCO HOW HE MANCHESTER, Oct. 3. (Special.) At the school rally yesterday afternoon the premium offered for the best decorated school wagon was awarded to tho Panhandle school, which also carried off the" prize for having the beHt banner. There were five state school wagons at the rally, and In the class the premium was taken by the Hlllsboro school.

The number of school children In attendance was ,1,000. which was SO per cent or the tfchool enrollment. This veteran, S. B. Lamphere, was addicted to the excessive use of for in a.

years. He wanted to quit but needed Homethins to help Ijlm. lie learned of a i Alary chwartz, N. Mrs. K.

Hud'gings, Miss Mamie Magce, 'secretary, and Mrs. Georce W. Mitchell, I treasurer. A Great Picture in Five Acts Florence Guards. FLORENCE, Ocf.

I. Morpan, sergeant instructor of tho United KtntcH -army for Alabainu. Is putting the Florence (ruanjs, recently mustered Into service, through a two weeks' course of Instruction in tactics and maneuvers. Tho company Is drilling every nisht and on. the evening of October 7 will grivr an exhibition at the Colbert county fair.

free book that tells about tobacco habit and how to 'conquer it quickly, easily and safely. In a recent letter he writes: "I have no. desire for tobacco any more. I feel like a new man." Anyone, desiring a copy of this book on tobacco habit, smoking and chewing, can get it free, postpaid, by writing to Edward J. Woods, 752 station E.

New York City. You will be surprised and pleased. Look fbr quieter nerves, stronger heart, better digestion, improved eyesight, increased vigor, longer life and other advantages if you quit poisoning yourself. rsday, Friday and Saturday IS JUST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING fR Hanna's Lustro Finish It is a combined varnish and stein. One application is sufficient except on floors that receive baxd usage.

It does not show mars or scratches. Can be washed. IT IS BASIL APPLIED and dries quickly. It comes In all colors to represent natural woods. Can used on furniture as well as floors.

Try it Sold in any quan VE. THEATER ADMISSION iOc CHICHESTER PILLS i God Roads Convention FLOKENCR. Oct. 3. Judge R.

Almon. oongresstnan-eU'ct from thl (Eighth) diRtrlet and president of the Florence and Tuscaloosa Hiahwny association, has appointed the following, delegates to represent Lauderdale county at the next annual session of the Alabama Good Tlonds association T. E. H. A.

Bradshnw, F. Koonee. W. L. Rherrod and A.

J. Smith. Florenm; Bhek Sharp, Wright: D. Richardson, Loretta; T. C.

Clommons nnd Ross Patterson, Rogersville; W. M. Springer, IS MADE TO WALK ON tity. Mi-pint to cans. Dutbon Paint Varnish Co.

UMiea i juk jour I'rof ffUl fbr a 0l-iiM-tPB XHanond BrudA 1 Pill In Red and old mttlllAv bona, sealed with Blu Kibboa. Take no elbar. Bqr of your 3niOfflM AskfarCinCirS.TEB6 DIAMOND HRAND PILLS, fat ran kanoM Best.SariatJLtMn RelUbl Tbe Uptown Paint' Stot' C. H. RIEED.


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